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Hello & Welcome to My First Blog Post

October 17, 2021
hello & welcome

Welcome to the launch of my website A Smile at a Time and my first blog post! My name is Jennifer, and I am so excited to connect with you.  I have so many ideas swimming around in my head just bursting to share with you all. First, let me tell you why I created this blog, what you will be seeing in my future posts, and why smiling is so important to me.

Hello and welcome to my first blog post

Why I Started My Blog

For years, I have been told that I’m always happy, always smiling, and I love having such a positive reputation.

About two years ago, I decided to write a book about smiling and finding happiness. The idea grew and grew from one large book to five book ideas.

But then when I finished my first book, I thought, “Whoa! Nobody knows me. How can I expect people to buy my book when I am an unknown?” Then it hit me. Start a blog! This is perfect. I can write about my ideas, showcase my life and beliefs, and provide anyone visiting my blog some insight into why smiling is so important to me.

What You will see in my future posts

Smiling will be the obvious main topic. However, after extensive research, I discovered a plethora of material to discuss – even more than I had realized. With all of this newfound knowledge, I wanted to share this with other women who feel overwhelmed, stuck, or burdened by the chaos of life. 

This blog will cover topics such as how smiling develops your personality, shows your compassion, generates your motivation, expresses your humility, and heals your grief.

We all smile for a variety of reasons, but sometimes our smiles come off as fake. We’re presenting a happy front, but inside we’re fighting a daily battle. Join me on a journey that will remove the “blah” moments and help each of you find your smile!

Why Smiling is Important to Me

For many years, my friends and acquaintances have remarked about my smile and how I always seem happy. It never occurred to me that anybody would notice me constantly smiling. But when I was in my twenties, I met a a woman who always looked unhappy. She may not have been miserable as she appeared, but her countenance displayed unhappiness. I wanted people to see me with a smile, and I would smile at everybody who crossed my path.

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I’m so excited about creating this blog, but I must admit that I was scared to death. I was putting myself out there for others to read, comment, and possibly criticize. I kept putting things off, so afraid to take this to the next level. But I’m here now. Whew! What an undertaking.

I want to encourage feedback and comments from anyone visiting (and hopefully reading) my blog posts. So please leave a comment, sign up to be on my email list.  Let me inspire each of you to find your smile!

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Jennifer, creator of A Smile at a Time

My name is Jennifer, the creator of A Smile at a Time. I believe that women can find their smile amid the chaos of life.

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